Alert security personnel caught software engineer for using e-ticket of her friend to get into the airport terminal to see-off her friend

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Alert security personnel caught a 26-year-old software engineer for using e-ticket of her friend to get into the airport terminal to see-off her friend on Sunday.

The accused Harpeet Kaur Saini,working in a IT firm has been handed over to the Airport police who booked her under forgery and taken her into custody for questioning.

Inquiries revealed that Harpeet had come to drop her friend to Airport who took a flight to Ranchi.After her friend got inside the airport,Harpeet tampered the e-ticket of her friend and got into the airport to meet her friend again .

The incident came to light when she was returning and the security staff checked the ticket to find the ticket was tampered and questioned her.

She started giving evasive replies that she had left behind her laptop and came to pick it up and so on.

A detailed questioning led her to confess to the crime following which the security staff handed her over to the police with a complaint of forging the ticket and unauthorised entry .