Trio among Woman Arrested for killing mother-in-law along with her boyfriend in bydarahalli in Bengaluru

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

T he Byadarahalli police on Monday cracked a murder case and arrested a 30-year-old woman who roped in her male friend and tenant and his friend to murder mother-in-law to take control over the house.

The accused Rashmi and her male friend Akshay,24, who worked in a paint company and his colleague Purushotham,33 were arrested based on a tip off from Akshay’s room mate Raghavendra.

Senior officer told reporters,Rashmi married to Manjunath,a manager with a transport company and the couple lived with Lakshmmamma,55.

Rashmi was jealous of Lakshmmamma who used to control the finance of the house and also hinderence to her affair with Akshay,who is the tenant .

Rashmi hatched a plan to eliminate Lakshmmamma with the help of of Akshay and his friend.As per the plan,Rashmi on October 5,sedated Laskmmamma with sleeping pills and later the trio strangled her to death before announcing that Lakshmmamma died due to cardiac arrest.

She even convinced unsuspecting Manjunath about her death and the body was cremated.The murder came to light when Raghavendra,room mate of Akshay by chance accessed the chat history of Rashmi and Akshay and informed Manjunath and the police.

The Police picked up Rashmi and Akshay and later Purushotham,who confessed to the crime.

City police commissioner,B.Dayananda,Addl CP West, Satheesh Kumar,DCP West,Girish S,ACP,Bharath Reddy has appreciated Byadarahalli Inspector,Putta Obala Reddy and his team for cracking the case.