Transformer explosion leading to thick smoke in laggere Junk shop gutted in fire

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)


anic gripped among the residents of Parvathi layout in Laggere when a junk shop gutted due to electric transformer explosion leading to thick smoke covering the area.

Though no one injured in the accident the area was filled with thick smoke forcing the residents to come out of the house and dumped the LPG cylinders out of the house as safety measures.

The incident occurred at around 1.48 pm when residents heard a blast at the transformer followed by the fire .

The fire soon spread to the junk shop situated adjacent to the transformer. Since the junk shop has a huge storage space for the waste material like plastic bags polythene,discarded electrical switches and wire,the fire spread and the godown gutted followed by thick smoke.

The fire spread to the adjacent building,burning the wall and few overhead tank melted due to the heat.

The residents evacuated their houses and rushed out unable to breath.Four fire tenders rushed to the spot a and after two hours of struggle brought the fire under control .

The Fire and emergency service personnel with the help of JCB,clearing the burned waste material from the junk shop.

Even though every thing was under control,the smoke covering the area continue to bother the residents,a fire official,said.