Former CM Bommai urges Congress Govt whether it was a caste census or not;Congress Party is supporting the Palestinian militants

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai demanded that the State government must clarify whether the report which is being released is a caste census report or not.

Before that, there must be a debate to ascertain whether making that report public will create unhappiness in some communities.

He told reporters here on Tuesday that the Siddaramaiah-led Congress Government that ruled the State between 2013 and 2018 should have implemented the economic and education survey done for Rs 160 crore.

But they did not do it under the pretext of the Assembly polls.Now, the Congress leaders were talking about it.

Firstly,there was no clarity on whether it was a caste survey or not and there was no indication that it had been the caste survey.

The government must clarify the report.The Congress leaders have said that the pros and cons of the report could be discussed once the document was submitted.

What will be the impact on the society from that census report?

The need of the hour was to discuss whether it would cause unhappiness in a few communities.Since a resolution to this effect had been adopted in the CWC meeting on Monday, let there be a detailed discussion, he added.

Congress’s support for the Palestinian militants

Asked about the Congress Party’s support to the Palestinians in the wake of the ongoing Israel-Palestine War, the former CM said it was an international issue and those two nations have been fighting for many years.

The Hamas of Palestinians were terrorists and not citizens, and that was being covered up by the Congress Party.

It was unfortunate that the Congress Party was supporting the militants in Palestine.All the terrorists were the same at the global level,and there was been rain of bombs on women and children.

No society or religion would accept it.The tragedy was that the Congress Party has stooped to the appeasement politics again.

Probe all works

On Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s recommending probe into the works in some Assembly constituencies including Nargund,Bommai said the government was free to hold an inquiry into any constituency including Nargund. None was against the inquiry.

Let the government probe into the works of all the departments including Water Resources and PWD.

All the works were completed and even the bills have been cleared.However,the present government has not cleared the contractor’s bills for the works done in many places including Bengaluru.

“First let the government clear the bills and then hold an inquiry to find out faults, and punish the guilty”.
Centre’s stroke for the State Govt.

Taking strong exception to the State government pointing fingers at the Government of India for drought relief, the BJP leader said the Karnataka Govt seems to have been struck by the “central Government’s stroke’ as it points fingers at the Government of India for everything including drought or Cauvery water row.

Now the State was reeling under the severe energy crisis and the government of India was being pinpointed in this regard also.

The power shortage would not have come had the government streamlined the supply of coal to the thermal power generation units.

The paucity of funds had resulted in a severe power crisis.The duty of the state government was to supply an uninterrupted power supply and what kind of help must be done by the government of India for the power generation?