ISKCON is going to organize an inspirational program “UDAAN”

Noida/ N ,C,R , -the holistic wellbeing of the youth of our country, ISKCON is going to organize an inspirational program “UDAAN” developed by ISKCON NOIDA in association with Y20/G20 on Sunday, 29th Oct. 2023 at NOIDA Stadium, NOIDA from 4 pm to 8 pm. Aim of the ‘Udaan’ is to offer a complete well–being sustainable program to youth to enhance their physical, mental & emotional health through traditional Vedic and yogic process packaged in a modern palatable manner.
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is committed to introduce the rich values, morals, principles and thriving heritage from our Vedic scriptures to our society in general and to our youth in particular. We strongly believe that along with academics, if our youth is provided with adequate training on how to keep the body, mind and soul healthy, they can do wonders in achieving their goals with sheer determination and single pointed focus. In general, today’s youth is very well informed and energetic. They just need to be directed precisely with calculated freedom so that they can take off for their dreams. The sky is not the limit for our youth. A well-balanced youth is guarantee to a happy state and a prosperous nation.