3 acres land and Rs.4 crore has been given for the development of Kavaadigarhatti;We will build houses and provide employment to the members of the victim families: CM Siddaramaiah assures

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

*The government will take responsibility of the affected families.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that 3 acres land and Rs.4 crore has been granted for the development of Kavaadigara Hatti,where six people died after drinking contaminated water recently.

He was talking to the relatives of the affected families in Kavaadigarhatti where six people died after drinking contaminated water.He assured to fulfill these promises after listening to the problems of the villagers.

The government will take responsibility of the affected families.We will also provide employment to the members of these families and build them houses as well.

It is our duty to provide clean drinking water. Immediately after the incident,a clear instruction was given to the local MLAs,District Ministers and Deputy Commissioner and concerned officials.

The government has given compensation of 10 lakhs immediately,he said.

This disaster would not have happened if there was a clean water supply system earlier.After the incident,all necessary measures have been taken to ensure the supply of clean drinking water .

The CM warned that action will be taken against the concerned officials if such a disaster recurs in the future.

We have recieved the lowest rainfall in 123 years.The number of drought affected districts is increasing. Crops in an area of ​​42 lakh hectares has been damaged.

Estimated loss due to drought is about RS.30 thousand crores.We have sought compensation from the Centre as per NDRF norms.The central study team is currently in the state and will also visit Chitradurga tomorrow, he said.

There is a drought condition in the entire country.There is drought in the state too,and instructions have been given to ensure drinking water and fodder for cattle.

Authorities are being given strict instructions to make arrangements so that water problem doesn’t arise again.

Employment should be created.The CM also said that he has directed officials to ensure that the situation of migration for work does not arise.

The CM said that our government has implemented five guarantee schemes to solve the problems of the poor and middle class.

Agriculture Minister,Chaluvarayaswamy,District Minister,D.Sudhakar,MLA Virendra Pappi,former Minister,H.Anjaneya and other local leaders were present.