Mahatma Gandhi reached every corner of the world through non-violence and became revered

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

G andhi is the only Mahatma and father of the country

A Gandhi is the only Mahatma and father of the country.Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that Mahatma Gandhi reached every nook and corner of the world with only non-violence and simplicity of his life, without any propaganda material and technology.

He was speaking after inaugurating the Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti programme held at Gandhi Bhavan in association with Karnataka Gandhi Smaraka Nidhi and other departments.

Once when Gandhi was travelling in third class compartment in a train,a fellow passengers asked, “Why are you travelling in the third class seat?”

Gandhi replied to this,”There is no fourth class in the train.If there was,I would have travelled there.As it’s not available I am travelling in the third class.”The CM cited this incident to explain the simple personality of Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi’s aspirations are included in the programs formulated by our government.As per Gandhi’s aspiration,the aim of our government is to provide life opportunities to the last person,he said.

Minister for Law and Parliamentary affairs,H.K.Patil and others were present.