Trio among Rowdy-Sheeter and his associates arrested by CK Acchukattu police for abducting businessman

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The CK Acchukattu police on Saturday arrested a Rowdy-Sheeter and two of his associates for abducting a businessman for ransom .

The duo wanted the ransom money to fight the cases pending against them and zeroed in on businessman who is acquainted to them.

Senior officer told reporters,the accused Arun,Kiran Kumar and Somashekhar had abducted the victim , Sandeep Kumar,32,from his apartment on the pretext of taking him for a chai.

The accused took Sandeep in a SUV to a farm house in Tamilnadu and tortured him demanded ransom of Rs.20 lakh.

However Sandeep managed to escape from the farm house and with the help of Tamilnadu police managed to reach the city and filed a complaint.

Based on the complaint,the police track down the accused and arrested them.

The accused alleged that they had a financial row with the victim and hence kidnapped him to recover the money further investigations is on to ascertain reason behind the kidnapping.