Hotel employee arrested for blackmailing former female friend with private videos demanding sexual favours

Pramesh S Jain

The Southeast Division cyber crime police arrested a 26-year-old hotel employee who was blackmailing former female friend with private videos demanding sexual favours .

The accused has been identified as Amar Hussain Faisal, native of Darrang district in Assam and working in a hotel in the city.

The accused had threatened and blackmailed the victim to come to Chennai and even sent a vehicle to pick her up and watching her at a distance to ensure she had come alone.

However the police who was kept a tab pinned him down red handed while he wad boarding the taxi after few yards away from where the victim boarded the vehicle .

The accused has been identified as Amar Hussain Faisal, native of Darrang district in Assam and working in a hotel in the city.

The accused had a relationship with his colleague for six months and broke up before he returned to Assam.

The accused came back to Chennai and started blackmailing the victim with the private videos demanding sexual favours.

He even opened three social media accounts in her name and uploaded her private pictures threatening her to uploaded the videos which he had recorded .

Unable to bear the harassment,the victim approached the police seeking help,DCP,Southeast Division,CK, Baba formed a special team who swung into action and kept a tab on the victim asking her to follow the instructions of the accused.

The accused had even asked the victim to make a video call and talk to him after reaching the bus stand to ensure she is travelling alone.However the police team kept a watch and followed her at a distance .

Police have booked the accused under blackmaili, outraging the modesty and also under various sections of the IT act and further investigating to ascertain whether the accused was involved in similar crimes .

Mr. Baba advised the people not to comply with the blackmailer in anyways and report the matter to the police seeking help.

The Bengaluru police have zero tolerance approach when it comes incidents related to safety of women .