Fake online escort service racket to rob people busted by HSR layout police Autorickshaw driver and associates arrested

Pramesh S Jain

The HSR Layout police have arrested a 50-year-old autorickshaw driver along with his associate or running operating a fake online escort service racket to rob people .

The accused Nagesh and his associate Nadeem Pasha opened an account on online dating service app and uploaded girls photographs offering escort service to lure people .

The accused would call the victims to isolated places
and rob.Using similar modus operandi,the accused trapped a private firm employee took him in an autorickshaw and forced him to transfer Rs.60,000 to their online account at knife point in HSR layout on August 21.

Based on the complaint,the police track down the accused through the online transactions and booked them under robbery.

The accused have robbed many people in the past but fearing social stigma no one has complained,so far, CK ,Baba,DCP, South east, said. The police are further investigating to ascertain the criminal background of the accused.