BDA vigilance squad booked Woman and three others who acquired land posing as daughter of land owner to claim compensation for acquired land

Yogesh K Porwar & Sunil Lohan

The BDA Vigilance Squad filed a complaint against a woman and three of her associates who posing as daughter of land owner tried to claim compensation for the acquired land.

According to the officials,the BDA had acquired part of the land from Hanumakka,who owned 33 acres of land in Ramasandra village near Kengeri and she died in 2010.

The accused Manjula with the help of her associates forged the school certificate and death certificate . Claiming to the daughter the accused applied for the compensation for the acquired land which is pending.

Meanwhile the nephew of Hanumakka,got to know that someone claiming to Daughter of Hanumakka applied for compensation and filed a complaint with the BDA.

An Inquiry was initiated and the officials found that all the documents are forged and filed a complaint with the jurisdictional Sheshadripuram police for legal action.

The police have registered a case against Manjula and three others charging them under cheating and forgery for further investigations .