Jal Jeevan Mission ‘Special Guests’ From 25 States/UTs Witness Independence Day

New Delhi,Today Marks The 4th Anniversary Of Jal Jeevan Mission Which Was Announced By The Prime Minister On 15th August, 2019 Union Minister For Jal Shakti, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Felicitates JJM ‘Special Guests’ At CGO Complex, New Delhi ,As a proud nation celebrates its 77th Independence Day today with patriotic fervor, among those who witnessed the historic speech of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi from the ramparts of the Red Fort were ‘special guests’ from across the length and breadth of the nation, that truly symbolizes a microcosm of the entire nation. Among these special guests were grassroot implementors of the life changing ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ from 25 States/ UTs who are ensuring tap water coverage in rural households.These guests, from various walks of life such as sarpanch,plumber,pump operator,water meter reader and village water and sanitation committee members,travelled from different parts of the country to attend the iconic Independence Day ceremony.This initiative of the Union Government aims to acknowledge the efforts of ‘Jan Bhagidari’ and express gratitude to the ‘common man’ for contributing towards nation building in a truly democratic manner.
From the ramparts of the Red Fort, the Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech today spoke about the setting of the Ministry of Jal Shakti to ensure optimum utilization of precious water resources and also ensure that safe drinking water is made available in every rural household in the country. Prime Minister said “We created the Ministry of Jal Shakti, which is laying emphasis on ensuring that pure drinking water reaches each and every countrymen of our country,water sensitive systems should be developed to protect the environment”.The Prime Minister asserted, “Rs 2.00 lakh Crore have been spent under Jal Jeevan Mission to ensure that pure water reaches every household”.This is the largest investment by any country in the world in the drinking water sector and is bringing about a positive change in the lives of the people with innumerable direct and indirect benefits including health, employment and education of girl child.
Today also marks the 4th Anniversary of Jal Jeevan Mission which was announced by the Prime Minister on 15th August, 2019. At that time only 3.23 Crore rural households had access to tap water connection. In its 4-year long journey of provisioning clean drinking water, the Mission has ended the drudgery of 2/3rd rural households of the country with 12.83 Crore (66.73%) now having access to potable tap water.At a function organized by the department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, the Union Minister for Jal Shakti, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat felicitated the special guests and presented them with a memento. Addressing the guests, Shri Shekhawat said “You all know the importance of water. Life cannot be imagined in the absence of water.Till Shri Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, no one gave the due importance to the water sector and water as a subject was divided among many ministries and department. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, looking at the importance of the water sector, made an integrated Jal Shakti ministry where we started working towards all water related topics with a unified vision”.
Shekhawat further added “Efforts are being made by the government to improve the lives of the citizens. No one could have dreamt that the century old drudgery of women across rural India can be ended by provisioning tap water connection in every rural home.Under the visionary guidance of the Prime Minister