Man killed his friend over drunken brawl surrenders to Kengeri police

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

A 27-year-old man crushed his friend to death during a drunken brawl, went home to sleep and realized his crime the next morning before rushing to Kengeri police to surrender .

The Kengeri police shocked to see when the accused Amanullah walked into the station to confess that he had killed his friend,Chethan,21,last night during a drunken brawl.

The police along with the accused rushed to Kommaghatta ground to find Chethan was lying dead in a pool of blood with a stone near-by.

Probe revealed that the duo are drinking partners used to regularly to drink and fight over trivial row.

On Tuesday the duo drunk and started arguing over a trivial row. In the melee,Amanullah picked up a stone and killed chethan and walked home.

The accused is presently in Kengeri police custody and probe is on to ascertain the exact reason behind the murder, a senior police officer,said.