Amruthahalli police arrested the fourth accused a prime accused Arun Kumar owner of a broadband company in double murder case.

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Amruthahalli police on Wednesday arrested Arun Kumar,the fourth accused in the double murder case, who is the prime accused in hatching the plan to eliminate his business rivals who are Chief Executive Officer(CEO)and Managing Director(MD)of Aironics Media Private Limited.

While the police within 6 hours of the crime arrested Shabarish@Felix,Vinay Reddy,and Santhosh.

The accused barged into the office of CEO Vinu Kumar and MD Phanindra Subramanya and hacked them to death before the staff members .

Inquiry so far revealed that Arun Kumar was furious that the deceased who worked in his company resigned to start their broadband company and even poached 10 to 12 office staff.

Within six months of the venture the duo not only made profit but also gave stiff competition to Arun Kumar.

Enraged by this,Arun kumar plotted the murder and assigned Felix,his close confident for the job.

The accused soon fled the city after the murder but the police kept a track and caught him near the airport .

The police are now verifying the details of the murder and his exact role .

Arun Kumar was cut throat businessman and used to intimidate his rivals.He also have close links with politicians and used to host cultural events to become popular locally to keep up his clout, a senior officer, said .

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,B Dayananda has appreciated Addl CP East,Raman Gupta,DCP Northeast,Laxmi Prasad BM,ACP,Rangappa T,PI, Guruprasad G,and his whole team has been appreciated for their excellent work and meticulous investigations which helped to solve the case within 11 hours and a suitable reward will be given to whole team he added.