Speeding KSRTC bus knocked motorcycle rider to death

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

A 46-year-old motorcycle rider was killed and pillion injured when a speeding KSRTC bus knock down their vehicle near Expressway toll gate near Kanminike on Sunday morning.

The deceased Siddappa,private firm employee in Bengaluru was riding from Mysuru towards Bengaluru while the bus heading towards Mysuru.

Senior officer told reporters the bus driver was driving in rash and negligent manner and knock down the bike.

While Siddappa,riding the bike was killed on the spot the pillion rider Puttaraju sustained injuries .

The Kumbalagodu police have registered a case of death due to Negligence and rash and negligent driving against the driver and seized the bus for further investigation.