Cyber crime police intensifies probe to track down illegal telephone exchange operating in city

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The Cyber crime police have intensified the probe to track down an illegal telephone exchange which is operating in the city for the past many months.

The accused have availed the service of the mobile service provider and set up illegal telephone exchange to convert international calls to Local calls.

This according to the officials is rampant in the city due to the increasing in demand.This not only causing huge revenue loss to the state exchange but also pose threat to the national security,a police officer,said .

The racket came to light when KN Subba Reddy,Deputy Director General,WMS,Sanchar compound Jayanagar and his staff noticed huge international call traffic on the three local numbers and alerted the police.

Based on the complaint the police booked the company (infinity solutions),and its people charging them under various section of IT Act and also under Indian telegraph Act.

This is not the first time the CCB even earlier busted many such illegal telephone exchange rackets which are operating in the city .