Duo including Businessman from Nepal arrested while boarding a flight to Bangkok using valid Indian Passport

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Immigration officials on Monday arrested a 35-year-old businessman from Nepal who was trying to board a flight to Bangkok using valid Indian Passport.

The officials also caught a woman from India and a man from Nepal who told the officials that they had paid money to the accused to get a job in Thailand.

The accused identified as Uttam Hamal Hari Prasad, was caught by alert officials while trying to pass through departure immigration counter.

On suspicion Chandan Kumar,officer with the bureau of Immigration confronted him and found that the he had Nepal accent and questioned him further to recover Nepal National citizenship card from him.

Further verification found that he had dubious means to get valid indian passports and taking the girl and the boy from Nepal for jobs in Thailand.

The officials recorded the statement of the girl identified as Monika Armugam from India and Bishal Chand from Nepal and arrested Uttam Hari Prasad on the charges of Passport Act and Foreigners act for further investigations.

In another incident,the police arrested a 44-year-old man from Kasargod on the charges of assaulting senior official of custom department over a trivial row on Monday.

The accused Gafoor Valiya Peedikayil,has been charged with assault on public servant and arrested . The accused had landed in the airport Dubai and passing through arrival green channel,when Superintendent of Customs Ashutosh Thapaliyal, confronted him asking for the documents for verification.

Heated argument ensured following which Gafoor allegedly assaulted the officer and created ruckus hurling abuses.The custom staff detained him and handed him over to the police.