14 Hindu temples in Bangladesh vandalised by unidentified miscreants

Abhijit Ray,Kolkata:Bangladesh is in news  again due to the accusations of large-scale attacks on Hindus. Miscreants have been accused of vandalizing 14 Hindu temples. It is reported that this incident took place in Thakurgaon, a district in the north-west of that country. According to local police sources, this incident took place between Saturday night and Sunday morning.The police believe that the attack was planned. The police officers have assured to arrest the miscreants and give them appropriate punishment. The security of the area has been increased. It is known that miscreants ransacked 14 Hindu temples in an area called Baliadangi in Thakurgaon district. It is alleged that some parts of the temple, some other idols of gods and goddesses have been broken. Residents found broken parts of ponds in the area. The police were immediately informed. The police of Baliadangi police station are investigating.In the words of Baidyanath Barman, a Hindu community leader of Baliadangi, “Unknown miscreants vandalized 14 temples in three union areas here. Somewhere the statue was broken and thrown into the pond. We are completely in the dark about who these miscreants are and why they did this. But I demand stricter and stricter punishment by arresting them.”Union Parishad Chairman Samar Chattopadhyay says, “There is always a very harmonious atmosphere here. We have good relations with Muslims. There has never been such a big attack on Hindus before. I don’t understand who did this.” Baliadangi police station OC Khairul Anam, however, clearly stated that it was a planned attack. The purpose of the miscreants was to disturb the peaceful situation in the area. But whoever is guilty will be severely punished. OC also gave this assurance.This is not the first time, attacks on religious places of minority Hindus are coming to light in Bangladesh recently to spoil the harmonious atmosphere. Sometimes in Comilla, sometimes in Naogaon, sometimes in Chapainawabganj – idols are vandalized by entering temples. The security of Hindus is a big question. However, Hasina government has taken strict action in this regard. Sheikh Hasina (Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina) herself has ensured the protection of minorities. But even after that, such a big attack continued in Thakurgaon.