Depressed Woman among spinster son,daughter committed suicide in their apartment in Mahalakshmi layout

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

A 70-year-old woman ended life along with her spinster son and daughter at her apartment in Mahalakshmi Layout on Monday night.

The deceased have been identified as Yashodha, 70,Suman,41,and Naresh,36.

Senior officer with other officers and staff rushed to the spot and cordoned off the area after inspecting the spot and collecting information from the neighbours he said the incident came to light when the elder daughter of Yashodha,called them couple of times but there was no response,worried Aparna rushed to the apartment and with the help of neighbors broke open the door to find them lying dead.

Inquiries revealed that Yashodha had three children and eldest daughter Aparna was married off and residing in Rajajinagar while Naresh and Suman were staying with Yashodha.

Yashodha’s husband Dr. Satyanarayana died two years ago and the family had shifted their house from Nagarabhavi to Mahalakshmi Layout.

Naresh is working as contractor and did not marry since Suma was not getting the match.The family was worried about this and Yashodha was slipped into depression and took ill,the police said.

This could be the reason behind their extreme step and the trio entered into a suicide pact and ended life,said a police officer .

Aparna in her complaint said that she would talk to her mother and sister everyday and the last time she spoke to them on Saturday.

However the next day when they did not respond and even on Monday when the calls went unanswered she rushed to the apartment and sought the help of neighbors to break open the door,since the door was also not answered after repeated knocks .

Based on a complaint filed by Aparna,the police have registered a case of abetment to suicide and are investigating.

The complainant suspected few of Naresh friend could be the reason behind their extreme step and the investigations are on to ascertain the reason behind the extreme step.

( Those in distress or having suicidal tendencies can call Arogya sahaya vani ph.104 for help )