Man arrested for assaulting shop owner & ransacking the shop demanding money with lethal weapon in Bengaluru

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar



he East Division police in a swift action,track down a man and arrested him for assaulting a shop owner and ransacking the shop demanding money from him in Banaswadi on Saturday.

Senior officer told reporters,Based on a viral video being circulated in social media,the East Division police swung into action and track down the area and the shop owner .

The shop owner identified as Manoj,had come from a neighbouring state and running a shop,for which the accused identified as Sudesh used to harass him for money frequently .

On Saturday,Sudesh confronted him demanding and enraged when Manoj refused outright.Sudesh warned him with dire consequences and returned in huff.

On Saturday evening,he returned with a lethal weapon and tried to attack Manoj,but he escaped narrowly,following which Sudesh ransacked the shop and escaped threatening him not to file complaint and warning him that he would return.

The entire incident was recorded by a resident and put it up on social media which went viral.When the police finally tracked down the shop and questioned Manoj,he refused to file a complaint, anticipating trouble .

However the police gained his confidence and asked him to file a complaint and recorded his statement,before tracking down Sudesh and arrested him.

He has been booked under,assault,criminal intimidation and attempt to robbery and taken him into custody for questioning to ascertain his criminal background he added.