Presence Of Mind Of Railway Staff Saves life Of A Woman

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

O ne distressed lady aged 24 years attempted to commit suicide on 01.10.2022 at 09.20 AM by lying on the track at Baiyappannahalli Loop line, Bengaluru Division as the train was approaching.

The Loco Pilot,Khalid Ahmed,of Train No.06387 (Bengaluru–Kolar) displayed exemplary alertness and immediately applied emergency brakes and stopped the train.This saved her life and prevented being run over by the train.

Then,he tried to pacify the lady but she was crying and bent upon to commit suicide and again started walking in the middle of the track.

Loco Pilot informed Station Master of Baiyyappanahalli Cabin through walkie-talkie and sought assistance.

Immediately Station Master,S.K.Biswas,and Points-man,Anil Kumar,came to the spot and took the lady to the railway station.

Further,Smt.P.Anusha &Zakiulla (Assistant Sub – inspectors),and R.D. Samudre,Police Constable of Railway Protection Force counselled her and reunited her with her family duly completing the legal formalities.