Indian Green Building Council Mumbai chapter supports Coastal Clean up at Budhwar park, Colaba

To conserve and protect Environment , Mumbai with 50 km coastine and close to 50 beaches was cleaned on international clean up day also the birthday of our Beloved Prime Minister under his directive all coast lines to be cleaned and biodiversity conserved. With the kind welcome of My Green Society under who’s banner the drive was conducted, the BMC, Coast guard and Ministry of Earth Science, IGBC Mumbai chapter led the drive under leadership of Dr Mala Singh, Mr Bhavesh Mehta and Mr. Shahzed Lehry. Collectively 10 tonnes of waste was sent for Recycling or correct dispose as per guidelines thereby saving our coasts , seas and protecting Marine life from Ingestion , Entanglement etc. Also our Coral Reefs would be much protected. The collective efforts also help to recreate spaces for children to play, learn and Evolve. Volunteer leaders Mr Rajesh Prabhakar and Mr Ayub shikalgar of 5 element foundation , deserve a special mention who were Frontline ensuring the mission was completed effectively.