Life-saving initiative by Kalindi Plot Owners Association at West Bengal State Fire Minister’s constituency – Free Health Check-upCamp organised

Abhijit Ray, Kolkata:A Free medical Camp for general health check was being organised by Kalindi Plot Owners Association with collaboration of Medica Super speciality Hospitals at Kalindi Plot Owners Association, at North Kolkata. Kalindi isfallen under the West Bengal State Fire Minister’s constituency. In this unprecedented time, this effort of the Kalindi Plot Owners to be considered as a life-saving initiative that aims to provide free medical check-up like ECG, TFT, different Blood tests, Diagnosis, OPD etc. Renowned Doctors, Cardiologists and Dieticians were also available in the health check-up camp. It is absolutely no doubt that this kind of noble initiative also supports the deprived population and poor people of the society who have no access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the diseases they are suffering from. The Local Councillor of the ruling partySmt. Suchayita Das was also present in the occasion. Commenting on the health camp, spokesperson of Kalindi Plot said, “We, believe that health is much important than wealth. People are suffering from stress and need to be engaged for unspecified hours, leading to unhealthy eating natures and irregularities. This free health check-up aims at early diagnosis of problems arising due to the same, wherein the doctors present will then advise on precautions and solutions.”