Six held, kidnapped Civil Enginner rescued in 3 hours by Yelahanka police

Pramesh S Jain & Thomas (Special correspondent) 

The Northeast Division police of Yelahanka police have rescued kidnapped Civil Enginner within 3 hours and arrested six kidnappers including a contractor.

The accused has been identified as,Nandagopal, 31,Sunil Seenappa,32,Ashok Lingappa,31, Vignesh Ananthram,21,Manoj Srinivas,24 and Shadaab Ahmed, 24.

Senior officer told media persons,a complaint was registered in Yelahanka police station in which vicitm colleague is a complainant who said in his complaint that while passing near Raithare Santhe he noticed that his friend was being forcibly dragged in a SUV by six member gang.

Acting on the information In a swift action,the Yelahanka police inspector,Sathyanarayan and his team on Wednesday rescued a 30-year-old civil engineer and arrested a gang of six who have abducted him for ransom and later decided to kill him after he refused to pay them money .

Team headed by PI,KP Satyanarayna track down the accused to an isolated place on the Kolar Bengaluru highway.

The immediately rushed to the spot with additional force and after getting the location the team surrounded the area and zeroed in on all the six members and arrested Nandagopal,31, Sunil Seenappa,32,Ashok Lingappa,31,Vignesh Ananthram,21,Manoj Srinivas,24 and Shadaab Ahmed, 24.

During investigation it was found that the victim Manas,from Odisha,runs a construction company in Yelahanka bagged a contract to construct a residential apartment .

Manas had given a sub contract to Nandagopal to construct the basement structure and owed him Rs 3 lakh .

When Manas was not dodging to return the money,Nandagopal planned to abduct him and extort the money.

As per the plan,the gang intercepted his SUV near Raitha Santhe road in Yelahanka on Wednesday while Manas was on his way to office with his office staff pawan G.

The accused confronted his SUV dragged Manas out and assaulted him before he was forced into a SUV.

One of the accused also took control of the Manas SUV asking the Pawan to get out and said that they are taking him to the police station.

Instead the accused took him to Kolar highway and tortured him and robbed his gold valuables demanding Rs 33 lakh ransom for his release. When Manas refused to pay they even decided to kill him and dump his body in forest area.

Meanwhile Pawan who suspected something fishy, approached the police and filed a complaint.The police swung into action and track down the accused and rescued Manas hours before he was killed.All the six accused has been arrested and have been taken into custody to ascertain their criminal background.

The entire operation was appreciated by Senior police officer,as, Commissioner of police, Kamal Pant, Addl CP East, Subramanyeswara Rao,DCP, Northeast,Anoop A Shetty,ACP,Manoj Kumar,PI,KP Sathyanarayana,PSIs,as,Sunil Kumar KB,Ms.Shylaja M,and crime staff as,Arun Kumar,Mahaveer, Raghavendra BN,Erresh,and DCP office staff,Babu who helped in technical inputs to nab the kidnappers and rescue the civil engineer within 3 hours for the Excellent and tremendous job done by the team a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.