Auto driver held for sexual abuse of minor girl

Pramesh S Jain

The Nandini Layout police have arrested a 34-year-old auto driver for sexually assaulting a minor girl from the neighbourhood while she was alone at her house on Saturday evening.

Senior officer told reporters,the victim is eight-years-old was alone at the house while her mother had gone to work at a garment factory .

The incident occurred at around 6.30pm the accused who noticed the girl was alone,barged into the house assaulted her and escaped.

The incident came to light when the mother returned from work and found the girl was crying. Upon questioning she narrated the ordeal.

The mother took the girl to a nearby hospital and also alerted the police.Based on a complaint the police swung into action and tracked down the accused few hours later.

The accused has been booked under POCSO Act and police are questioning him in the custody. The accused is married and have two children said a senior officer.