Armed gang tied hands and legs of two women in the house and looted gold and cash in Hosakote

Thomas (Special correspondent) 

In a filmi style two robbers barged into the house, tied up elderly woman and her daughter in law ransacked the house and made away with 200 grams of gold and other valuables worth Rs.2 lakh.

Additional SP,Lakshmi Ganesh with other staff rushed to spot and inspected the whole area and after stock of the situation he said the will supervised the investigation to nab the armed gang.

The incident occurred at a house in kannurahalli in hosakote in the early hours of Thursday.

Basamma woke up and was sipping coffee soon after her son left to work,while daughter in law was busy with the chores inside the house

The accused armed with lethal weapon barged into the house and tied up Basamma and gagged her mouth before she could resist.

The daughter in law was later targetted by the accused who then tied her hands and legs and locked her up in a room before taking away their gold valuables.The duo ransacked the house to look for valuables and escaped.

The duo even threatened Basamma to kil her if she raise her voice.

The robbery came to light when neighbours visited the house and found the duo tied up.

The hoskote police rushed to the spot and conducted investigation.

We suspect that the accused have reccee the house before striking.

The Hosakote police inspector and his team are gathering evidence to identify the accused and two special teams formed to nab the armed gang and further investigation is on.