Private hospital staffer held for stealing gold chain, recovered stolen gold chain worth Rs.3 Lakhs

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The West Division police of Byadarahalli police on Sunday arrested a 27-year-old ICU staff of a private hospital who had stolen a gold chain from a elderly patient admitted for treatment covid treatment in April this year.

The accused,identified as Imtiyaz,has been arrested following a complaint filed by the family members of the 65-year-old patient.

Senior officer told media persons,a complaint was filed by relative of 65-year-old patient who stated in their complaint that they admitted their relative for Covid treatment and the patient was in ICU and as on 25th April while he got food for the patient he noticed that her gold chain is missing from her neck.

Based on the complaint the police Inspector of Byadarahalli police station,Ravikumar RG and his crime staff swung into action and conducted a detailed and thorough investigation before and based on technical inputs the team zeroed in on Imtiyaz on 10th December.

During investigation the accused confessed the crime and revealed that he was waiting for her to go to sleep after getting an injection and removed the 70 grams of chain from her neck worth Rs.3 lakh and escaped.

Based on his statement the team has recovered stolen 70 gram gold chain worth Rs.3 lakhs from his possession and further investigation is on to ascertain his criminal background.

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,Kamal Pant has appreciated Addl CP West,Soumendhu Mukherjee,DCP West,Dr Sanjeev M Patil,ACP,T Kodandarama,PI Ravikumar RG,and his whole team for their excellent investigation in nabbing the hospital staffer who stolen gold chain from patients neck while she was undergoing treatment for Covid treatment a suitable reward will be given to the whole team he added.