Police custodial torture case Byatarayanpura PSI, Harish suspended

Thomas (Special correspondent) 

A PSI attached to Byatarayanpura police station Harish kumar has been suspended over alleged torture brutally of 22 year old over trivial row .

Tousif, a resident of Padarayanapura was picked up to the police station for enquiry over a fight with neighbour .

Tousif however alleged that his beard was shaved and given urine when he exhausted from the torture and asked for water.

Senior officer told reporters,Following a complaint by his parents an inquiry was ordered by DCP, West,Dr Sanjeev M Patil and inquiry was conducted by ACP kengeri gate division , Kodandaramaiah,and submitted report to the DCP.

Meanwhile an audio was released by a head constable who alleged that Harish has misused him and he used to ask him to bring Pregnancy kit and Abortion kit in night and he is the one who is responsible for his suspension said a head constable who is suspended because of Harish and till today his suspension has not been revoked he alleged in a audio .

The report found deriliction of duty on part of Harish following which he was suspended until further orders.

This is the second such incident as three policemen from Varthur station have been suspended for allegedly torturing a suspect in theft case so brutally that his arm had to be amputed.