Cluster declaration if 3 cases are found: CM Bommai

Thomas (Special correspondent)

Taking tough measures to contain the Covid spread,Chief Minister,Basavaraj Bommai has said that,any place with 3 or more cases of the pandemic would be declared as a Cluster.Earlier the limit was 10 cases.

Speaking to media persons he said,preliminary report on Omicron cases had been received. Health department had been instructed to obtain comprehensive report and treatment protocol being followed in various countries.

According to available information at present the protocol being followed for Delta variant is being followed for Omicron too.I want a scientific system to be followed.

Expert opinion is that Omicron is a fast spreading variant,but has not shown severe implications. However instructions had been issued to intensify tracing and treatment,Bommai said.

As for Cluster Management,two types of clusters had been planned.

one for places like schools,colleges and hostels, and the other for the apartment complex in Bengaluru where cases have been reported.

Every one in the clusters would be tested and treated.Only those with double dose vaccination would be allowed to assemble together in apartment complexes.

No outsiders would be allowed into the apartment.The BBMP Commissioner had been instructed in this regard,Bommai said.

Double dose had been made mandatory for parents of the students who attend classes off-line mode,testing is compulsory for all the inmates and staff of student hostels.

Testing has been made mandatory for those with comorbidities too.Officials had been instructed to take foolproof measures,Bommai said.

Unon Minister’s statement

Replying to a question about the statement of Union Health Minister,Mansukh Mandavia that, none of the states except Punjab had submitted report on deaths caused by oxygen shortage, Bommai said,”I have no information as to in what context the statement has been made.”

Discussion with Health minister :

When asked about Health Minister,Dr Sudhakar’s statement about 10 passengers from South Africa found missing in the state,Bommai said,I have not received official information about it. I will speak to the Health Minister about it.”

Home Minister cares a lot for the Police :

Reacting to comments that Home Minister,Araga Jnanendra had hurt the sentiments of police personnel by making harsh remarks, the Chief Minister said that Jnanendra had already clarified on the issue.

His comment was only about a few specific cases,not in general.Jnanendra is the most caring Home Minister who has immense zeal for welfare of police personnel,” Bommai said.

Belagavi session

Legislature session at Belagavi would be held as scheduled with adequate precautionary measures.

The District administration had been instructed in this regard. Double dose vaccine had been made compulsory for participating in the session, he said.