With State govt extend lockdown, cops distribute free meals and goodie bags to children of migrant labourers


Pramesh S Jain.Yogesh K Porwar

Hours after the Lockdown extended till June 14, the Northeast division police along with DCP,CK Baba ACPs and PIs,on Friday visited the migrant workers colonies and distributed food to 2500 people and also handed over goody bags to their children.

The goodie bags contain candies,biscuits and snacks,CK Baba,DCP, Northeast said.

We are all going through tough times and people, especially migrant labourers are suffering a lot due to non availability of work.

There are many migrant colonies in the north east division and during the lockdown enforcement we realized that many families are struggling for food,milk and other essentials.

The matter was discussed during the review meeting and we decided to pool money and feed 2500 people and also issue masks and sanitizers to the people,Mr.Baba,told reporters.

ACPs as,Jayaram,Nagaraj,PIs,as,Anil Kumar, Raghavendra,KP Sathyanarayana,and other PIs and whole staff of Northeast Division has contributed to feed the needy as Migrants and construction workers as this is a noble service by the Karnataka state police and Bengaluru City Police who are serving the needy and many Volunteers are also joining hands with police department in distributing ration kits and food packets daily.

In a similar act,Sudhir Hegde,ACP,Koramangala Sub Division arranged fodder to the cattle at the rescue centre which were suffering for many months.

The rescue centre was run by donation and due to lockdown the donation was not made and the supply of fodder was affected majorly .

Mr.Hegde came to know about the plight, discussed this with his colleagues and friends in uniform and managed to arrange three loads of fodder.

The caretaker family of the rescue centre were also been provided with the ration kit.

Similarly Chickpet traffic Inspector Dr Anil Grampurohit and his staff feeding non human being as stray dogs which are sufferings due to lack of food during lock down.

As the lockdown continues.Too many hungry out there We tried to reach out to as many.Across 11 police stations in Northeast Division.Serving about 2500 people.Arranged for healthy food
And some goodie bags for children too! @CPBlr @BlrCityPolice #EachoneFeedone

In these difficult times,Many go hungry,Migrant workers,construction workers,security guards, delivery boys,Families with young children.A basic need for survival Kudos to the police team
For taking time out In service of humanity.#EachoneFeedone CK Baba tweeted.