Hiten Shukla

The 484 Indian citizens who had been evacuated from Iran in batches have settled down at the three Army Wellness Facilities at Jaisalmer. The evacuees are subject to daily medical check ups and all of them are presently asymptomatic.

In addition to sanitisation of the entire premises, daily motivational lectures are conducted by the Army medical authorities which have made the people understand that the mandatory quarantine at the Wellness Facility is a social responsibility on their part, to combat the spread of COVID-19.

The people have taken the quarantine in the right spirit and have gone ahead to enjoy their time playing games, watching television, praying and utilising the available resources in the Wellness Facility. The cohesiveness shown by the people, medical and administrative staff is a testimony of their resolve to defeat the COVID-19 together.

The staff at Army Wellness Facility is working over time to ensure the area remains clean and is de-contaminated after every meal.