Naval special child felicitated for creating world record in open water swimming

Ms Jiya Rai, an eleven year old  daughter of Madan Rai, Master Chief  at Arms II, posted in INS Shikra,  created a world record on 15 Feb 20 by becoming the fastest special girl to swim 14 Km in open water. The VI standard student of Navy Children School (NCS), Mumbai swam from Elephanta Island to Gateway of India, a distance of 14 Km in 03 hours 27 minutes and 30 seconds.The solo swimming event was conducted under the supervision of Swimming Association of Maharashtra, an authorized body of Swimming Federation of India.

This extraordinary achievement of Ms Jiya is understood to have qualified for registration in India Book of Records, Asia Book  & Limca Book of Records for youngest and first special girl in the world to swim a distance of 14 Km in 03 hrs 27 minutes and 30 sec  in the open water.

The young champion has come a long way since she was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Delay in Speech at a tender age of about two years. Based on her doctor’s advise that her repetitive knocking, a characteristic of her diagnosis could be purposely applied in water sport as therapy she was initiated in swimming. The water therapy worked wonders and Ms Jiya developed a passion for swimming. The parents were able to nurture this passion and help her prepare for various competitions by overcoming many odds.

On 23 Feb 20, Ms Jiya was  felicitated with a Certificate and Trophy for this record breaking achievement, by Mr Abhay Dadhe , Associate Vice President of Swimming Federation of India at an award ceremony held at K R Kama hall,  Mumbai.