Monthly Production Report for December, 2018

  1. Crude Oil

Crude oil production[1] during December, 2018 was2862.35TMT which is10.13% lower than target and4.3% lower when compared with December, 2017.Cumulative crude oil production during April-December, 2018 was 25937.54 TMT which is 5.83% lower than target for the period and3.7% lower than production during corresponding period of last year.Unit-wise and State-wise crude oil production is given at Annexure-I. Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of December, 2018 and cumulatively for the period April-December, 2018 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1.

Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT)

Oil Company Target December (Month) April-December (Cumulative)
2018-19 (Apr-Mar) 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 23040.00 1998.02 1761.22 1862.08 94.58 17092.31 15908.11 16848.70 94.42
OIL 3738.00 329.10 274.96 288.38 95.34 2760.25 2516.59 2548.86 98.73
PSC Fields 10233.60 857.83 826.17 840.60 98.28 7689.41 7512.84 7537.25 99.68
Total 37011.60 3184.96 2862.35 2991.06 95.70 27541.98 25937.54 26934.81 96.30

Note: Totals may not tally due to rounding off.                                       *: Provisional

Figure-1: Monthly Crude Oil Production

Unit-wise production details with reasons for shortfall are as under:

1.1        Crude oil production by ONGC during December, 2018 was 1761.22 TMT which is 11.85%lower than the monthly target and5.42%lower when compared with December, 2017. Cumulative crude oil production by ONGC during April-December, 2018 was 15908.11TMT which is 6.93%lower than target for the period andlowerby 5.58% thanproduction during corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall are as under:

Ø Loss from WO-16 and B-127 fields in the absence of MOPUs Sagar Samrat and Sagar Laxmi.

Ø Electric submersible pump (ESP) problem in wells of NB Prasad (NBP) field.

Ø Sub-sea leakage in some well fluid lines of Mumbai High & Neelam Heera Asset, leading to flow restriction.

Ø Decline in liquid production / increase in water cut in various fields of Mehsana, Rajahmundry and Assam Assets.

Ø Power shut-downs & Electrical faults in Mehsana and Assam Assets.

1.2        Crude oil production by OIL during December, 2018 was274.96 TMT which is 16.45%lower than monthly target and 4.66% lower when compared with December, 2017. Cumulative crude oil production by OIL during April-December, 2018 was 2516.59 TMT which is 8.83% lower than target for the period and1.27% lower than production during the corresponding period of last year. Major reason for lower production is less than planned contribution from work over wells and drilling wells.

1.3        Crude oil production byPvt/JVsin PSC regime during December, 2018 was 826.17 TMT which is 3.69% lower than the monthly target and1.72%lowerthanDecember, 2017.Cumulative crude oil production by Pvt/JVs during April-December, 2018 was 7512.84TMT which is 2.3%lowerthan target for the period and marginally lower by0.32% than the production during the corresponding period of last year.Major reasonsin for lower production are;

Ø Major deficit in production is from Mangala due to delay in Mangala Processing Terminal (MPT) Upgrade and 45 infills.

Ø Decline in production from stage-I wells and delay in stage-II wells in the Aishwarya Barmer Hill (ABH) field.

Ø Around 55 oil wells are closed due to various reasons like high water cut, require Work-over-Job (WOJ), etc. and 32 wells are closed due to liquid handling constraint at MPT plant (Cairn Energy India Ltd).


2.Natural Gas

Natural gas production during December, 2018 was 2866.51 MMSCM which is 4.86% lower than the target for the month but4.19% higher when compared with December, 2017. Cumulative natural gas production during April-December, 2018 was 24650.25MMSCM which is 7.26% lower than target for the period andmarginally 0.15%lower than the production during corresponding period of last year.Unit-wise and state-wise natural gas production is given at Annexure-II. Unit-wise natural gas production for the month of December, 2018 and cumulatively for the period April-December, 2018 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-2 and month-wise in Figure-2.

Table-2: Natural Gas Production (MMSCM)

Oil Company Target December (Month) April-December (Cumulative)
2018-19 (Apr-Mar) 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 25981.00 2246.54 2197.00 2000.79 109.81 19434.26 18416.30 17651.17 104.33
OIL 3120.00 264.65 232.65 236.97 98.18 2388.19 2060.79 2196.98 93.80
PSC Fields 6498.11 501.84 436.86 513.59 85.06 4758.12 4173.16 4839.37 86.23
Total 35599.11 3013.03 2866.51 2751.35 104.19 26580.57 24650.25 24687.52 99.85

Note:  Totals may not tally due to rounding off.                                      *: Provisional


Figure-2: MonthlyNaturalGasProduction

2.1  Natural gas production by ONGC during December, 2018 was 2197.0 MMSCM which is 2.21% lower than the monthly targetbut9.81% higher when compared with December, 2017. Cumulative natural gas production by ONGC duringApril-December, 2018 was 18416.30MMSCM which is 5.24% lower than the cumulative target but4.33% higher than the production during the corresponding period of the last year.Some of the reasons for shortfall against monthly target are as under:

Ø Less than planned gas production from WO-16 and B-127 fields in the absence of MOPUs Sagar Samrat and Sagar Laxmi.

Ø Decline of pressure/potential in GS-4 Gas cap reservoir in Gandhar.

2.2  Natural gas production by OIL during December, 2018 was 232.65 MMSCM which is 12.09% lower than the monthly targetand1.82% lower than December, 2017. Cumulative natural gas production by OIL during April-December, 2018 was 2060.79 MMSCM which is 13.71% lower than the cumulative target and6.2% lower than the production during the corresponding period of last year.Major reason for lower production is loss of potential in Deohal area due to presence of CO2 in production stream and due to bandh and miscreant activities.

2.3        Natural gas production by Pvt/JVs during December, 2018 was 436.86 MMSCM which is 12.95% lower than the monthly target and14.94% lower when compared with December, 2017. Cumulative natural gas production by Pvt/JVs during April-December, 2018 was 4173.16MMSCM which is 12.29% lower than the cumulative target and13.77% lower than the production during the corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

Ø Sohagpur West CBM Block: Underperformance of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) wells. Production impacted due to the constraint imposed by IFFCO on CBM offtake. (RIL)

Ø RJ-ON/6: Less offtake by buyer. Low gas production due to stuck up in two wells. (Focus Energy Ltd)

  1. Refinery Production (in terms of crude oil processed)


Refinery production during December, 2018 was 21031.92TMT which is 4.32%lower than the target for the month and 4.96%lowerwhen compared with December, 2017. Cumulative production during April-December, 2018 was 192681.14 TMT which is 1.0% higher than the target for the period and2.51% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year. Unit-wise production is given at Annexure-III. Company-wise production for the month of December, 2018 and cumulatively for the period April-December, 2018 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-3 and month-wise in Figure-3.


Figure 3: Monthly Refinery Production




Table 3: Refinery Production (TMT)

Oil Company Target December (Month) April-December (Cumulative)
2018-19 (Apr-Mar) 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year 2018-19 2017-18 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod. Target Prod.* Prod.
CPSE 147759 13103.33 12752.29 12793.63 99.68 111451.17 113137.37 108059.41 104.70
IOCL 71150 6329.96 6329.93 5985.89 105.75 54146.98 54464.61 51848.94 105.04
BPCL 29000 2566.43 2216.36 2527.91 87.68 21690.21 22754.95 20441.10 111.32
HPCL 18000 1554.71 1491.18 1568.14 95.09 13488.00 13842.12 13646.22 101.44
CPCL 10500 930.00 977.65 945.43 103.41 7960.00 7805.48 7976.15 97.86
NRL 2850 242.05 263.51 241.55 109.09 2147.26 2199.15 2135.13 103.00
MRPL 16200 1475.00 1468.35 1517.44 96.77 11975.00 12027.39 11951.74 100.63
ONGC 59 5.18 5.31 7.27 73.00 43.72 43.67 60.12 72.63
JVs 17240 1583.00 1658.13 1625.05 102.04 12623.00 13069.40 10942.45 119.44
BORL 6400 660.00 572.90 623.95 91.82 4460.00 3659.80 5037.82 72.65
HMEL 10840 923.00 1085.23 1001.09 108.40 8163.00 9409.61 5904.63 159.36
Private 88896 7295.34 6621.50 7710.46 85.88 66696.97 66474.38 68961.98 96.39
RIL 70470 5941.67 6139.41 5941.67 103.33 53418.97 52654.58 53418.97 98.57
NEL 18426 1353.67 482.09 1768.79 27.26 13278.00 13819.80 15543.01 88.91
TOTAL 253895 21981.67 21031.92 22129.13 95.04 190771.14 192681.14 187963.83 102.51

Note: Totals may not tally due to rounding off.                       *: Provisional


3.1         CPSE Refineries’ production during December, 2018 was 12752.29TMT which is 2.68%lower than the target for the month and0.32%lowerwhen compared with December, 2017.Cumulative production by CPSE refineries during April-December, 2018 was 113137.37 TMT which is 1.51% higher than the target for the period and 4.7% higher than the production during corresponding period of last year. Reasons for shortfall of refinery production in some CPSE refineries are as under:

Ø  IOCL-Guwahati: Lower due to Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) idling for extended Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) Steam Air Decoking (SAD) shutdown.

Ø  IOCL-Gujarat: Lower due to lower crude receipt and restricted DCU throughput.

Ø  IOCL-Digboi: Marginally lower due to Catalyst Regeneration Unit (CRU) shutdown for catalyst regeneration.

Ø  BPCL-Kochi: Planned maintenance turnaround ofIntegrated Refinery Expansion Project (IREP) Units.

Ø  HPCL-Visakh: Lower due to ullage criticality of products due to shutdown of secondary units.

Ø  MRPL-Mangalore:Lower due to delay in arrival of crude vessels.

3.2    Production in JV refineries during December, 2018 was 1658.13TMT which is 4.75% higher than the target for the month and2.04% higherwhen compared with December, 2017.Cumulative production by JVs refineries during April-December, 2018 was 13069.40TMT which is 3.54% higher than the target for the period and19.44%higherthan the production during corresponding period of last year.

3.3    Production in private refineries during December, 2018 was 6621.50TMT which is lowerby 9.24% than the target for the month and14.12% lowerwhen compared with December, 2017. Cumulative production by private refineries during April-December, 2018 was 66474.38TMT which is 0.33% lower than the target for the period and 3.61% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year.

3.4    Refinery-wise details of the capacity utilization and production of petroleum products during the month of December, 2018 and cumulatively for the period April-December, 2018 vis-à-vis April-December, 2017 are given at Annexures -IV and V respectively.