Around 100 Illegal shops razed in Violating Vendors norms on S P Road by BBMP

“Illegal shops violating vendors norms demolished in S P Road Bengaluru”.
“Encroachments on pavements removed in SP Road “.
In a joint operation by Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike south zone officials with Bengaluru city police with additional force for no untoward incident take place KSRP platoons were deployed to maintain law and order situation in the area on Saturday conducted a three-hour drive on Saturday to remove encroachments on pavements along S.P. Road in Bengaluru.
Close to Hundreds shops were demolished  which were floating vendors norms were demolished a drive was carried out at 9am till 12pm it has demolished the illegal shops encroaching Land to dust.
H.Nagaraj, Assistant executive engineer told media persons that, there were dozens of complaints from the residents of SP Road that many have encroached the pavement by establishments on road and we are unable to walk and based on complaint we have carried a demolition drive.With heavy police protection,We  have arrived at S.P. Road,which is a hub for electronic goods, at 10 a.m. and removed around 20 structures that had occupied pavements and a portion of the road.The structures, which included hotels,tea stalls, and mobile repair shops, were unauthorised.The encroachments on the road were eating into the carriage way, causing traffic snarls.Twenty shops were removed on Saturday.There are a few more left, which we will be removing in the coming days,” said H. Nagaraj, Assistant Executive Engineer, BBMP south zone.
BBMP Mayor,Gangambike Mallikarjuna, told media persons that,A joint operation was carried out by our officers and with heavy police protection we have carried a demolition drive and it is a alarm bell to encroachers and said I will be holding a meeting with all the engineers who have arrived now and will arrive at a consensus as to what action can be taken against all the encroachers in the city and a massive drive will be done in coming days we will take strict action on those who are encroaching Land illegally in the Bengaluru city she added.