Construction labourer arrested for killing his friend over financial row and suspecting illicit affair with her wife

Pramesh S Jain 

The Ramamurthynagar police have arrested a 41-year-old construction labourer who killed his friend over financial row chopped his body parts and dumped in storm water drain before fleeing to his home town.

Based on a missing complaint,the Sampigehalli police track down the accused to his home town in AP and arrested him.

Though the police recovered the machatte and jack rod used by the accused to commit the murder,the police are yet to trace the bodies parts which suspected to have been flushed in the storm water drain due to recent heavy rains .

Senior officer said,the deceased Srikanth KV,who worked as business development officer at a Margadarshi chit fund firm in Basaveshwaranagar ,went missing from home on May 28 based on which his wife filed a missing complaint with the jurisdictional Sampigehalli police station.

The police suspected something fishy and verified his phone call records to conclude that he had gone to meet his friend Madhava Rao, in KR Puram.

Further verification found that Madhava Rao had locked his house and missing on the same day.

The police checked the CCTV footage from in and around the area to find that Srikanth had visited his house but never came out .

The police checked the house of Madhava Rao and found blood stains scattered around the place .

Suspecting something fishy ,a massive manhunt was launched and tracked down Madhaba Rao at his home town.

He was brought to the city and a detailed questioning led him to confess that he ad killed Srikanth in a brutal way and dumped his body parts in a storm water drain in Bellathur and escaped.

Rao confessed that the accused Madhava Rao and Srikanth are friends from same home town.Rao had invested few lakhs in Chit fund Business but Unable to get back.

The duo used have frequent fights over the issue On May 28 Srikanth visited Rao’s house and the duo had a fight .

In the melee,Rao attacked Srikanth with a jack rod hitting on his head.

A Sudden attack rendered Srikanth to collapse and died on the spot due to head injuries.Scared Rao chopped the body in parts and packed in three plastic bags and carried to the storm water drain and dumped .

He later switched off his phone and escaped to his home town.

The police are now seeking the expert help to recover the body parts which are crucial for the investigation.

The police also booked Rao under section 302 (murder) and also under 201 ( destroying evidence ) for further investigations .