Two miscreants arrested by Cottonpet Police for Vandalizing, windshields window glasses of KSRTC buses and cars

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar


ension prevailed for sometime when a gang of five armed man intercepted two KSRTC buses and smashed the windows and threatened the drivers near Majestic in the early hours of Wednesday.

The buses belonging to Mysuru and Hunsur were reaching Majestic when the accused traveling in an autorickshaw in an inebriated state attacked the buses before fleeing the spot creating fear among the passengers .

Based on the complaint,the cottonpet police rushed to the spot and within hours arrested two people identified as Imran and Arif,while efforts are on to track down others who are on the run.

Police suspected that road rage could be the reason behind the incident,however it is yet to ascertain why they carried weapons in the autorickshaw and travelling, a senior officer,said.