Alert Cantonment Railway Police caught labourer from odisha and recovered 5.9 kgs of Marijuana concealed in backpack

Pramesh S Jain

The alert cantonment railway police caught a 45-year-old labourer from Odisha and recovered 5.9 kilos of marijuana concealed in a backpack and trying to get out of the station on Saturday.

Alert PSI,Vijay Kumar noticed the accused Narahari Bariki,resident of Banapur in Odisha got down from Prashanthi express and waiting at the platform checking for the exit routes without security .

Suspecting his behaviour,Vijay Kumar confronted him and checked his bag to find the drugs.

Initial probe revealed that the accused had bought the drugs from peddlers Salia dam in Khurda district and brought it to city to sell and make money.

Going by the way the drugs were packed police suspect that Bariki is part of the professional inter state peddlers and further investigating to ascertain his network.

The police found a mobile phone and analyzing the call record details .

It may be recalled that the railway police have booked as many and foiled at least four cases of drugs cases being brought to city by train from neighbouring state since last one week.