CM Siddaramaiah sharing the dais with ISIS linked Moulvi: Basavaraj Bommai seeks NIA probe

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

F ormer CM urges govt to stop the forceful recovery of loan from farmers, demands disbursal of fresh loan

Former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai urged the state government to recommend the NIA probe into Chief Minister Siddaramaiah sharing a dais with a moulvi who is said to have links with the ISIS organisation at a function held recently.

He told reporters here on Thursday that cases had been filed against that Moulvi for making inflammatory speeches in Vijayapura.

The BJP MLA Basangouda Patil Yatnal has accused that the Moulvi has connection with the banned ISIS.

However,the CM was trying to mislead everyone.The government must recommend this case to the NIA for further investigation.

The former CM said the Congress Party had taken lightly the cooker bomb blast incident but now it had been come to know that five to six persons among them had been involved in anti-national activities.

Siddaramaiah’s announcement of Rs.10000 crore to the Muslim community was not only the appeasement of the community but also inflammatory.

Looking at the Congress policy,one of the ministers said that the party had made a Muslim as the Assembly Speaker and everyone must bow before him and say ” Jo Huzur”.

This was another incident of the action of provocation by them.The CM must unite everyone and all must work for the country’s resources to grow and that would remain.

Instead,saying that the resources would be distributed among one community amounted to breaking the society.

Stop farmers loan recovery

He said the farmers were in distress due to drought but the relief had not been released yet.The ryots don’t have the crops or drinking water,no fodder for the cattle.

The state hasn’t released a single paise and pointed its fingers towards the union government.The previous BJP government had disbursed Rs.2000 crore to farmers through the DBT during the floods.

The incumbent government had promised to give Rs. 2000 to each farmer which was nothing but an insult to the farmers.

As per the Central Government’s guidelines,the state must announce a compensation of Rs.6000 per hectare for dry farming and Rs.18000 for irrigated land.

The Kisan Samman program launched by the BJP government had been stopped. In view of the prevailing situation,the government must not insist on the recovery of the farm loan and announce freh loan.

There had been delay in the distribution of the solarium to the families of farmers who committed suicide and this had angered prasants.

Probe into Arjuna’s death

Bommai accused the government of trying to huah up the real reason for the death of the Dasara jumbo Arjuna who died under the mysterious circumstances recently.

The final rites of the pachyderm had been done in hurry. There seems to be anarchy in the forest department and a big herd of IFS officers were settled in Bengaluru.

“I attempted to send them to forests but now they have returned to Bengaluru.The IFS Officials were involved in corruption and they must be sent back to forests forthwith”.

High command will speak

Asked about former minister V.Somanna’s actions,the BJP leader said Somanna was a senior leader and the high command was aware of everything.

After the election,Somanna would go to Delhi and hold.talks with the National leaders.The high command would also talk to the Vijayapura City MLA Basangouda Patil Yatnal.

Bommai termed Gulihatti Shekhar’s statement as wrong.He said the several dalit leaders have reached the top posts in the RSS.

DK Shivakumar must reply

Asked about the non-participation of deputy Chief Minister D.K.Shivakumar in the ongoing Belagavi session, the former CM said he was busy in the Telangana politics and he must tell what’s important, the people’s problems or politics.