Illegal Sex determination racket case byappanahalli police arrests another nurse of private hospital involved in illegal abortion

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Continuing investigations into the sex determination racket,the Byappanahalli police on Monday arrested another nurse from a private hospital in Mysuru involved in illegal abortion .

She was the 11th accused arrested in the case.The accused Usha Rani working in another private hospital was conducting the abortion at her work place on the instruction of Puttaraju,who worked as agent in the racket .

Puttaraju was arrested by the police earlier and based on his information the police arrested Usha Rani.

Inquiries revealed that accused was conducting the abortion at the hospital she was working and without the knowledge of the hospital authorities .

The police have sought her custody to question her further to ascertain how may abortion she had done and since how long she is working with the accused .