private firm employee arrested by CCB for having 1300 nude pics in his mobile phone of his colleagues and friends

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The CCB officials on Wednesday arrested a 25-year-old private firm employee for morphing the pics of colleagues with nude pictures and storing it in the mobile .

Senior officer told reporters,The accused has been identified as,Aditya Santhosh,working in a company in Bellandur was arrested after his colleague turned female friend,checked his mobile to delete some of their private pictures the accused had clicked and stored .

To her shock she found 13000 nude pictures of girls and some of them he had morphed with the pictures of his female colleagues .

The victim raised the complaint with the legal team for further action who in turn filed a complaint with the cyber crime police for further investigations.

Based on the complaint,the cyber crime police have registered a case against the accused charging him under publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form of IT Act and arrested him.

Initial probe reveal that the accused is pervert in nature with a habit of watching and downloading nude pictures from the Instagram Apps.He also morphed the pictures of some of his colleagues to watch.

The accused used to watch regularly and not shared it anyone,a senior officer part of investigation said .

The accused has been remanded to judicial custody while the phone has been sent to FSL for detailed analysis he added.