Kolar district cyber crime police busted drug racket and arrested Three from Odisha on the charge of cultivating ganja plants at poultry farm

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Kolar district cyber crime police busted a drug racket and arrested a three labourers who were growing ganja plants in poultry farm where they were working to cultivate drugs and peddle in and around the town.

Based on a tip off,a team of officials led by Inspector, SR Jagadisha,raided Jayanth farm in Dasepalli village in Mulabagilu taluk and arrested Seth Kumar,Basanth Dehuri and Sagar Thiriya from Odisha who are living the farm and also cultivating the plants clandestinely .

Probe revealed that the accused were working for the suguna foods private limited and living in the poultry premises where they grew ganja plants in the premises and sell it to the local peddlers and consumers and also using it for the personal consumption.

The police have recovered a ganja plant weighing 600 grams and arrested the trio for further investigations.

The accused have also had a link with the peddlers from Vishakapatnam and a team had left to AP to track down their network .

Earlier the CEN police arrested five drug addicts in the town who are creating nuisance in and around the area under the influence of narcotics.

The accused have been booked under NDPS and subjected to medical counseling at the district hospital to create awareness about the ill effect and an effort to bring them to the mainstream,Mr.Jagadisha,said.

This is a part of special drive organized by Superintendent of Police,M Narayana against the narcotics in the town which led to the increasing criminal incidents.

The district police had crack a whip on medical stores, shops and road side tea vendors who were peddling drugs.

Several teams have been formed who went on foot patrolling in and around the town and conducted surprise inspections and checks on the medical stores.

There were reports that the medical stores were selling banned drugs over the counter and also some drugs without prescription and the consumers are mostly youth and college students .

It was alleged that 17-year-old college student who was murdered by a group of youth brutally few days ago over a trivial row, are under the influence of drugs and intoxication.

The police during the course of investigations found the source of drugs and Mr Narayana orders for special drive to crack down on the selling points.

The police are now issued notice to the erring medical stores and issued noticed to the owner calling them for questioning.

Based on their statement necessary action will be initiated with the associates of drug control department, Bhaskar SN,System Administrator,SP office, Kolar,who is part of the drive,told reporters.