Labourer arrested by Vyyalikaval police for killing elderly person in road rage

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Vyyalikaval police have arrested a 27-year-old labourer for beating up a 77-year-old scooter rider over road rage incident following which he succumbed to his injuries the next day.

Initially the police had registered a case of self accident,but his son Satish Kumar K,noticed his father had a clot in his eye and suspecting fishy he managed to collect CCTV footage from in and around to find that his father has been attacked by a biker and assaulted with a stone .

Armed with the CCTV footage,Satish Kumar filed a complaint with the police seeking action against the accused on Friday.

Based on the complaint,the police track down the accused identified as Abraz Pasha,35 and arrested him under murder.

Probe revealed that the deceased Krishnappa,resident of Muneshwara block,was returning home on scooter and confronted Pasha riding his bike drunk and in a rash and negligent manner on Wednesday night.He was returning home after visiting relative.

Krishnappa gave a piece of advise to Pasha to ride carefully when enraged him.In the melee,he attacked Krishnappa with a stone and sped away.

Krishnappa sustained head injuries and collapsed on the road bleeding profusely.

Passers-by noticed the man lying on the road and informed the police.The Sadashivanagar traffic police reached the spot and using Krishnappa’s phone alerted his family before he was rushed to the hospital where he succumbed later .