Alert traffic cop recovers stolen scooter during special drive against defective number plates on pottery road

Pramesh S Jain

A lert traffic Police Sub Inspector cracked a scooter theft case during a special drive against defective number plates on the pottery road on Monday.

Senior officer told reporters,PSI,Lakshminarayana stopped a scooter passing by to check defective number plate.The rider escaped soon after abandoning the bike .

Lakshminarayana checked the scooter thoroughly to find that it was a stolen scooter with a fake registration plate.

He also found the actual registration number of the scooter and handed over to Banaswadi police station where the scooter theft case was registered.

The Banaswadi police are trying to track down the accused who was riding the vehicle for further investigation.

DCP, traffic East division,Kuldeep Kumar R Jain, appreciated the sub inspector of Pulakeshinagar traffic police station, Lakshminarayan for cracking the case.

The drive continues to detect defective number plates and tampered registration numbers,he said.