Cow Vigilante Puneeth Kerehalli booked by VV Puram police for instigating to create law and order problem if he is released from hospital

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The VV Puram police have registered a case against cow vigilante and pro hindu activist,Puneeth Kerehalli for instigating to create law and order problem if he is released from the hospital.

Based on the complaint by J.Hemaraj,General secretary,KPCC,campaigning committee,The police registered an FIR against Puneeth Kerehalli charging him under section 505(1) (B) (offending act induces or is likely to induce any person to commit offence against State or against public tranquility) of IPC on Saturday.

This is the second case registered against Puneeth ever since he is admitted to Victoria hospital from freedom park where he had staged a hunger strike demanding apology from the state government for trying to implicate him in Goonda act.

Earlier he was booked for threatening police officials who went to record his statement at the hospital and misbehaved with them refusing to take the treatment.

However during his stay in hospital several leaders of Pro Hindu Outfit and activists visited him where he demanded them to get any leader from the ruling party to visit him and apologize.

He also told them that if he is released he would pelt stones at Vidhana Soudha and set fire to Bus.His statement went viral on social media as one of the visitor has recorded the conversation and uploaded it on social media.

Based on the case,the VV Puram police issued notice to Puneeth Kerehalli to appear before them for questioning,but he had replied to the notice seeking more time citing health grounds.After the time period we will issue another notice to him,a police officer, said.

It may be recalled that the CCB arrested him under Goonda act in August and nearly five weeks of his arrest the Home Department has revoked the case, following a report by the State advisory board that there was a “lack of sufficient grounds“ to book him under the law and asked him to be released from custody.

With the latest case Puneethe Kerehalli has around one dozen of cases pending against him and the police contemplating to appeal against the decision of the home department .