Private firm employee held for peeping into the bathroom of neighbour while woman was having bath

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

Residents of Basaveshwaranagar on Sunday afternoon caught a 25-year-old youth who was peeping into the bathroom of a neighbour while a woman was having bath .

The accused identified as Nitin,a private firm employee was chased,caught and thrashed before he was handed over to the police.

The incident occurred when a woman,working in Bengaluru had visited her mother,staying adjacent to the accused house.

The victim went to washroom and saw the window opened and someone was peeping.She raised alarm prompting the residents to rush to her help.

They later chased and caught Nitin who was trying to flee and thrashed.The residents also checked his phone on the suspicion that he had recorded the video , but by then he had deleted the videos.

The accused was handed over to the police for further investigations said a senior officer.