Three held Carpenter murder case cracked by Sampigehallii police

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Sampigehalli police have arrested a group of three men who killed a 21-year-old carpenter over financial row on Sunday.

The accused have been identified as Suhail Khan,a welder by profession and his associates Mubarak,a carpenter and Alik Akram, autorickshaw driver.

Senior officer said,Suhail had borrowed Rs.10,000 Farooq and failed to return.After repeated attempt to get back his money Farooq had taken Suhail phone as a surety.Suhail who had stored family pictures and videos,requested him to return but Farooq was adament.

Enraged by this Suhail along with his associate on Sunday forced Farooq into the autorickshaw,took him to an isolated place to get back his mobile.

Heated arguments ensued following which Suhail in a bid to threaten Farooq threatened him with knife and slashed his hands and in the melee Slashed Farooq neck.Due to a deep cut Farooq tried to bleed and fell on the ground .

Fearing that he would complain,Suhail killed Farooq and the trio sped away.Meanwhile when Farooq did not return home his younger brother searched for him and got to know he had last seen with Suhail .

Based on the complaint,the police started searching for Suhail and his associates following which the trio surrendered before the police.

The Sampigehallii police have charged the accused under murder and taken them into custody for further investigations.