Karnataka:3 IPS Officers Transferred, IPS Kuldeep Kumar R Jain Will be New DCP Traffic East, Transfer of KPSC Secretary resulted in protest against government

Pramesh S Jain

In a recent development, the Karnataka Government on Thursday issued orders appointing D.Roopa as the Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the Internal Security Department (ISD.

Meanwhile, Kuldeep Kumar R Jain, who was transferred from the post of Mangaluru City Commissioner, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Bangalore City East Division (Traffic). Shivprakash Devaraj has been given the post of South Division (Traffic).

Confusion over transfers of IPS officers continued as on Thursday the state government posted Kuldeep Kumar R Jain to DCP, traffic East Division,after transferring Sara Fathima without posting.

Sara Fathima,serving as SP in CID was transferred as DCP traffic East division few days ago before transferring her without any posting .

Earlier transfer of Kuldeep Kumar R Jain from Mangaluru Commissionerate unceremoniously evoked steep response as people accused government of buckling under pressure and transferring commissioner who was doing good work and streamlining the system.

According to the sources in the department,within six months of assuming the position,Mr.Jain has cracked whip on drug peddlers,vigilantism,gangs,and traffic problem which was bothering Mangaluru for a long period of time .

Even though the government cited technical reason for the transfer and replacing DIG rank officer,the same logic did not applied in posting SP rank officer for the post of commissioner in Hubli Dharwad twin city .

Many police officials felt that the ruling congress is messing up big time with transfers and demorolizing good officers in the process .

Transfer of Sularkar Vikas Kishore from Secretary of Karnataka Public Service Commission to Zonal commissioner ( RR Nagar) BBMP, to the existing vacancy resulted in protest by KPSC aspirant.

Suralkar was trying to streamline the system in KPSC to bring transparency and accountability in the examination and selection process in the commission.