Man arrested,International level wildlife smuggling racket busted by Custom officials 78 reptiles along with six capuchin monkeys rescued at KIAL

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

T he Custom officials busted another international wildlife smuggling racket and arrested a man from Tamilnadu and rescued 78 reptiles which he was trying to smuggle from Bangkok to Bengaluru by Air Asia flight on Wednesday night.

The accused was carrying the reptiles along with six capuchin monkeys in separate containers and stuffed in a trolley bags.

While the other reptiles including 55 ball pythons and 17 king cobras even though drugged were alive and active condition but all the monkeys were dead .

The rescued reptiles and the animals are schedules animals comes under wildlife protection act,custom officials,said .

The accused was said to be smuggling the consignment from Tamilnadu from Bengaluru and this is the second such racket busted by custom officials .

On August Customs officials in Bengaluru have arrested a passenger who arrived at Kempegowda Gowda International Airport for smuggling 234 wild animals, including a dead baby kangaroo, from Bangkok to Bengaluru.

The rescued live animals will be deported back to the origin country while the dead animals have been disposed with proper sanitary procedure.

The accused passenger has been taken into custody for questioning to ascertain his network and his possible links with the earlier case .