ITI Student of Reputed college stabbed by his classmates over trivial row, accused arrested

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankariya

A 21-year-old ITI student was stabbed by his classmate over a trivial row at the class on Monday.

The victim,Fasi Ahmed,resident of Chikkabanawara sustained stab injuries on his back and presently recovering at the hospital .

Senior officer told reporters,Fasi had an argument with his classmate after he found him taking a metal piece during the practical class.The duo had heated argument over the issue .

After the class,Fasi was returning home walking Near Viveshvaraya Park,Opp.Ashoka school,K.G Halli,when the accused confronted him and argued over the issue again.

In the melee,the accused stabbed Fasi on his back and sped away.

Fasi fell on the ground bleeding and passers-by rushed to his help and took him to the hospital and is under going treatment.

Based on the complaint the Gangammnagudi police have registered a case and further investigating .