CID launches probe in bitcoin scam case Cops’ role under scanner

Pramesh S Jain

Intensifying investigations into the Bitcoin scam,the CID officials questioned Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki and recorded his statement contained the names of CCB police officials and politicians who were benefited .

The CID officials are now gathering the evidence to corroborate his claims and also probing further on how the CCB officials tampered the evidence and manipulated the data while probing the case five years ago.

It may be recalled that CID,Special Investigation Team (SIT) in August,probing the infamous multi-crore Bitcoin scam has filed a First Information Report (FIR) against the Central Crime Branch (CCB)’s officers who had earlier investigated the case for allegedly manipulated the data for personal benefits.

The CID officials also questioning the CCB officials who are part of the probe and their exact role in the tampering evidence .

Sriki who was missing after out on bail for sometime was off radar and reportedly getting treatment .

However the CID officials tracked him down and subjected him for questioning for many rounds to get the details of the case and the bitcoin transactions .